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Daily maintenance of IPC

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    The daily use and maintenance of IPCs have used IPCs on many occasions, but it is not a lot to really turn IPCs well. Often seeing some people busy for a long time, still can not troubleshoot the machine, and some people use it is handy. This difference is derived from the user's correct management and maintenance of the IPC. IPC is an industrial computer designed to work in special and harsh environments. Its power supply, chassis, and mainboard are all designed to accommodate long-term uninterrupted operation. In order to use it better, let it always maintain a good working performance, it must be necessary and reasonable maintenance in daily use.
    First of all, we must give the IPC a stable working environment. For example, when the machine vibrates while reading or writing to a disk or hard disk, the drive may be seriously worn or the hard disk may be damaged. If it is to be placed against a wall, at least a clearance from the wall is required to ensure good heat dissipation. Otherwise, it will lead to accelerated aging of the components. Specific to do the following:
    1, chassis
    The chassis includes industrial power supplies, passive backplanes, and fans. Industrial Control Power: It is for N hours of uninterrupted power on service, so its performance is better, the main thing to note is to minimize the entry of dust and prevent dust from affecting the operation of the fan. Preventing momentary power failure, instantaneous power failure and sudden incoming call often results in a momentary high voltage, which is likely to “burn” a bad computer. Voltage fluctuations (too low or too high) can also cause damage to the computer. Therefore, power supplies should be equipped as much as possible. In addition, it should also prevent static electricity and prevent lightning.
    Passive backplane: It provides power for all kinds of boards including () cards (cards, video cards, sound cards, network cards, etc.), and its daily maintenance should pay attention to three points: You cannot insert the board card with the backplane energized. When you dial the card, you can't use too much force. When it is too big, when cleaning the floor with alcohol, you should pay attention to prevent the tool from scratching the floor. Do not accumulate dust in the slot, as this may cause poor contact or even short circuit. Whether the metal feet in the slot are aligned and bent, otherwise the operation of the board in the system will be affected. Therefore, various phenomena such as boot not displaying, board not found, and crash may occur. Fan: The fan inside the industrial control box is specially designed for the industrial control machine. It blows the air into the chassis to reduce the temperature inside the chassis. It should pay attention to whether the power supply is connected to the plug or not. The filter outside the fan should be cleaned periodically (once a month) to prevent excessive dust from entering the chassis. Sharp objects are prohibited from damaging the fan page.
    2, the motherboard
    The IPC motherboard is designed for long-time operation in high and low temperature special environments. It should be noted that the mainboard is not capable of hot plugging (memory sticks, mouse, keyboard behind the board, etc.) Dialing will cause the jack to be damaged and cannot be used. Serious damage may even result in damage to the motherboard. The jumpers on the mainboard cannot be jumped freely. To view the manual or user manual, otherwise the damage may be caused by different voltage settings of different types of motherboards. Dust on the motherboard should be cleaned regularly. Do not use alcohol or water. Use dry brushes, vacuum cleaners, or skin tigers to suck or blow off dust. Keep the memory on the motherboard clean and clean. No breaks or stumbles. The gold finger inserted into the passive backplane under the motherboard should be clean and plugged into place on the backplane.
    3, hard disk, optical drive, floppy drive
    Hard disk: Do not disassemble the hard disk to avoid vibration and extrusion. Try not to shut down the computer while the hard disk is running. Suddenly the opportunity to shut down will cause damage to the hard disk tracks and data loss. Do not touch the jumper on the hard disk. When handling, be sure to use anti-static plastic bags or use shock-proof materials such as sponges to fix them. Check the virus frequently to prevent corrosion. Use the energy-saving function in the operating system as much as possible to extend the service life of the hard disk.
    Optical drive: Do not open the optical drive door freely during use. Do not use damaged or pirated optical discs to prevent dust from entering the optical drive. Do not shake, distort or beat the optical drive during use. The data line should be connected smoothly to ensure that the optical drive reads smoothly.
Floppy drive: Do not put bad disks or toxic disks into the floppy disk drive. Do not use poor quality and moldy floppy disks. Hit with sharp objects to prevent scratching the magnetic head. When the floppy drive is reading and writing to the disk (the floppy indicator is on), do not forcibly remove the disk to prevent damage to the head or misalignment of the head, resulting in improper reading and writing.
    4, all kinds of board
    The board should pay attention to dust, the pins should be intact, the card can not be distorted when the card is inserted vertically, and the connector on the outer jack of the card cannot be charged.
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